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Writer's pictureAmelia Cusanno

Tackling Writer's Block

Perhaps the most ancient question among writers... How does one break out of writer's block?

Many, many writers have already weighed in with their two-cents over the years, and now I'm adding my own because who's going to stop me? I was gifted internet access along with the unending urge to constantly voice my opinion on any random topic to cross my mind, so now everyone gets to suffer the consequences.

During my internship with Made in Millersville, one of my assigned tasks was to write a blog post about ways that potential Journal authors can handle the daunting curse of writer's block. It was to be a brief overview, around 3-4 pages long at most, featuring some advice and prompts to guide developing writers through the process. However, in classic Amelia fashion, I wrote 11 pages covering what I considered to be the three biggest causes writer's block, primarily for creative writing, and how to work through each in extensive detail. My singular blog post ended up being broken into three to spare the sanity of any readers, delving into growth, inspiration, and burnout. You can find them linked below:

This is absolutely not an exhaustive, cure-all list, and is purely based on my personal experience and observations in various writing communities. Therefore, I highly encourage you to comment your own tips, opinions, and questions down below! :)


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